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Test after 30

By Medical Expert Team

Nov 05 , 2018 | 1 min read

To lead a healthy fulfilling life one needs to proactively take care of oneself for it is better to be safe than sorry.  Regular medical checkups before anything actually goes wrong with your health could make all the difference between prevention and cure. Also, as more and more woman plan a pregnancy in their thirties added tests need to be carried out to confirm if she is healthy enough to conceive. 

Tests routinely recommended are:

  • Blood pressure
  • Weight
  • Dental & eye checkup

Breast examination and ultrasound breast if needed. Mammography is usually done after 40 years of age but maybe advised earlier if there are positive findings on examination.

Pelvic examination is done to diagnose gynecological conditions for which a pelvis ultrasound also be required. While doing an internal examination your doctor will also take a PAP smear for early detection of precancerous conditions or cancer. The sample is also tested for HPV to detect certain strains of human papilloma virus that cause cervical cancer. These tests should be repeated every three years.

  • CBC - to check for anemia
  • TSH - for thyroid disorders
  • Blood sugars - for diabetes.

Screening for HIV, Hepatitis B and C - these highly contagious diseases can affect your sexual partner and the unborn child besides harming you.

LFT (liver function tests) and KFT (kidney function tests) can be done to obtain baseline values for future reference.

Lipid profile to check for cholesterol as raised levels  can lead to heart disease later on.

Bone densitometry - is done to screen for osteoporosis. 

 If you’re at a higher risk for any diseases, tell your doctor so that tests not included in routine testing may also be carried out.

Pre-conceptional tests  

Those who are planning a pregnancy should add the following tests to the above:  

 Blood group and Rh typing - if the mother is Rh negative and father is Rh positive, complications may arise.

HPLC - for Thalassemia screening

Rubella and Varicella IgG - to check for antibodies against German Measles and chicken pox. If negative the woman needs to be vaccinated against for if infected by the above the baby can be malformed. Avoid pregnancy for 3 months after the vaccination. 


Written and Verified by:

Medical Expert Team