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Say No to Tobacco
We are aware that tobacco is tough addiction to withdraw . Whether you are a cigarette smoker, cigar smoker or tobacco smoker, it is one of the most difficult things that you will want to leave. Tobacco is one of the leading causes of death, illness and impoverishment. Seeing the latest figures published by WHO, it is clearly understood that the instructions are not being followed, as a result, the sale and usage of tobacco across the world is scaling high. Hence, we thought of taking a more realistic appro
Max Team In Pulmonology
Apr 27 , 2016 | 2 min read
Treating Cough in Children with Common Cold-Guidance to Caregivers
Coughing is a prevalent symptom of upper respiratory infections (URIs). Cough causes concern for parents and is also a major cause of outpatient visits. It can severely impact quality of life, cause anxiety and affect sleep in parents and children. Despite the widespread use of over-the-counter (OTC) cough and cold medications (CCMs), the effectiveness of most OTC CCMs has not been proven in children. The preparations are usually a combination of several medications including antitussives, expectorants, ant
Dr. Arvind Bountra In Paediatrics (Ped)
Apr 26 , 2016 | 1 min read
Saving Little Hearts
Heart defects are often missed at birth because their symptoms are so subtle, emerging only as the child grows older. On May 9, Pavit Arora, 12 was operated on for a congenital heart condition that is so rarely detected that families usually find out only after it has killed the person. "Children with this kind of structural anomaly usually collapse all of a sudden and the condition is detected only when the heart is dissected posthumously", says Dr. Ganesh K Mani, Chairman-Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surg
Dr. Ganesh Kumar Mani In Cardiac Sciences Cardiac Surgery (CTVS)
Apr 25 , 2016 | 3 min read
Wake up to Discover The Art of Sleeping
No matter whether you are working late, finishing household chores, watching a late night TV show, or reading a book, you will always end up sleeping less than required. While you are dragging yourself to work the next day, you take a vow to catch up on sleep during the weekend. Does the art of catching up on sleep really happen? What happens to your body When you are Sleeping Less Sleep is one of the key factors that determine the health of an individual. How one wakes up in the morning is a fair ind
Max Team In Pulmonology
Apr 22 , 2016 | 1 min read
Most read blogs
Loose motions or Diarrhea is one of the most common ailments across every age group – from infants and mothers to the elderly. Diarrhea is the frequent passage of watery or loose stools across irregular intervals. There are many possible causes of Diarrhea. These include allergies, food poisoning, infections, and stress. As such, Diarrhea is merely a symptom of one of many possible causes. Most of the time, loose motions is not a serious problem and can be treated at home. Below, we've outlined 3 simple h
Dr. Manoj Ranka In Internal Medicine
Feb 22 , 2018 | 1 min read
To make sure that what you eat helps your body and also helps you stay interested, spread out your food through the day by following different food ideas. You can mix and match the following depending on how much you can eat and whether you are vegetarian or non vegetarian.
Dr. Neera Aggarwal In Obstetrics And Gynaecology Nutrition And Dietetics
Nov 07 , 2020 | 1 min read
Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a syndrome that has taken modern world by storm. Polycystic ovarian disease or syndrome is a very common disease heard in today's younger generation. It is a must that young girls understand this disease at an early stage as well as its causes and future implications. It is a hormonal disorder with: Imbalance of the two female hormones estrogen and progesterone with estrogen taking the upper hand – menstrual irregularities, infer
Dr. Kamna Nagpal In Obstetrics And Gynaecology
Jun 30 , 2016 | 1 min read
A balanced diet is a diet that contains the right proportion of different food types so that your body gets the required carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins, minerals.
Jan 24 , 2022 | 1 min read
Demystifying the Ebola Virus Threat
Pick up any newspaper and in the international segment you'll find at least one article daily on how Ebola Virus is wreaking havoc in and around Central and West Africa. Fortunately, no cases have been reported so far in India or neighbouring countries, but that does not mean we do not need to take any preventive measures to keep Ebola at bay from our country and our neighbourhood. Hence, here we are answering the key questions about Ebola, its symptoms, and ways in which the virus transmits. Do read these
Max Team In Internal Medicine
Apr 21 , 2016 | 3 min read
A Weight Loss Surgery at Max Changed his Life
Arun Bhisht (name changed), a 22year old boy was a medical and emotional wreck when his parents brought him to us. Arun was dangerously obese, weighing 150kgs, which had resulted in severe knee problems and a thyroid condition. This had led him to become extremely lethragic, depressed and disinterested in life. The young boy was losing focus on his academics and had turned to alcohol for solace. Arun's parents started to see that all this was weighing down on their sons's life and decided that he needed h
Max Team In General Surgery Laparoscopic / Minimal Access Surgery Bariatric Surgery / Metabolic
Apr 20 , 2016 | 1 min read
Prostate Cancer Won't Wreck Your Love Life
Prostate Cancer most commonly affects men, in the age group of 60's and 70's. Increasing number of cases are now being detected in Indian population — thanks to Prostate-specific Antigen (PSA) screening. This is a simple blood test available in most of the laboratories. Screening with PSA is recommended for all persons more than 55 years of age. If PSA is raised then Transrectal Ultrasound guided biopsy is done to confirm the diagnosis. What is Prostate and how will a common man know whether he is suffer
Max Team In Radiation Oncology Cancer Care / Oncology
Apr 19 , 2016 | 1 min read
Hypertension- A Major Health Threat
What comes to your mind when you hear, know your numbers? No, we're not talking about numerology and definitely not about your grades. We would want to bring your focus on this sleeping volcano which can erupt any moment causing severe malfunction of the central nervous system thereby impacting other vital parts of the body. Hence, it urges every individual, young or old, to get their blood pressure checked at regular intervals. The normal numbers are 120/80, which essentially shows the peak and minimum pr
Max Team In Nephrology
Apr 19 , 2016 | 1 min read
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