







Top Anemia Doctors in India

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Doctors Available

Dr. Sandeep Budhiraja

Group Medical Director - Max Healthcare & Senior Director - Institute of Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 29+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Vijay Arora

Principal Director

Internal Medicine

Experience: 31+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Arun Dewan

Principal Director (Critical Care) & Director (Internal Medicine)

Internal Medicine, Critical Care

Experience: 40+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Rajinder Kumar Singal

Principal Director & HOD

Internal Medicine

Gender: Male

Dr. Vineet Arora

Senior Director

Endocrinology & Diabetes, Internal Medicine

Experience: 25+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Ravi Kant Behl

Senior Director

Internal Medicine

Experience: 24+ Years

Gender: Male

Can't find what you are looking for?

Dr. Atul Bhasin

Senior Director

Internal Medicine

Experience: 17+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Rajiv Dang

Senior Director and HOD - Internal Medicine and Medical Director, Gurgaon

Internal Medicine

Experience: 38+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Sanjay Dhall

Senior Director

Internal Medicine

Experience: 38+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Rajeev Gupta

Senior Director

Internal Medicine

Experience: 41+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Meenakshi Jain

Senior Director

Internal Medicine

Experience: 26+ Years

Gender: Female

Dr. Sumit Khetarpal

Senior Director

Internal Medicine

Experience: 26+ Years

Gender: Male

Can't find what you are looking for?

Dr. Mukesh Mehra

Senior Director - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 37+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. S.K Nagrani

Senior Director – Diabetology & Metabolic Diseases

Internal Medicine, Diabesity Clinic, Endocrinology & Diabetes

Experience: 39+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Shailesh Sahay

Senior Director

Internal Medicine

Experience: 26+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Ashutosh Shukla

Senior Director – Internal Medicine & Medical Advisor – Max Hospital, Gurgaon

Internal Medicine

Experience: 32+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Anil Vardani

Senior Director

Internal Medicine

Experience: 17+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Jeevan Aggarwal


Internal Medicine

Experience: 25+ Years

Gender: Male

Can't find what you are looking for?

Dr. Pankaj Aneja

Director - Diabetes & Metabolic Diseases

Endocrinology & Diabetes, Internal Medicine

Experience: 42+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Supriya Bali


Internal Medicine

Experience: 28+ Years

Gender: Female

Dr. Ajay Kumar Gupta

Director & Head of Unit - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 20+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Alok Joshi

Director - Diabetes & Metabolic Diseases

Endocrinology & Diabetes, Internal Medicine

Experience: 42+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Monica Mahajan

Medical Director - Max Multi speciality hospital Panchsheel Park and Max Med Centre Lajpat Nagar | Director Internal Medicine Max Healthcare

Internal Medicine

Experience: 27+ Years

Gender: Female

Dr. Vimal Kumar Nakra

Director - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 41+ Years

Gender: Male

Can't find what you are looking for?

Dr. Deepak Gargi Pande


Internal Medicine, Allergy

Experience: 21+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Sanjay Raina


Endocrinology & Diabetes, Internal Medicine

Experience: 25+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Charu Goel Sachdeva

Director & Unit Head - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Dr. Swadesh Kumar Singh

Director – Internal Medicine 

Internal Medicine

Experience: 27+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Rajendra Singh

Director & Unit Head - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Gender: Male

Dr. Gurpreet Singh Babra

Director - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 22+ Years

Can't find what you are looking for?

Dr. Rommel Tickoo

Director - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 23+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Hridaya Nath Tripathi

Chief Consultant – Internal Medicine 

Internal Medicine

Experience: 50+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Sunil Verma

Director – Internal Medicine ​

Internal Medicine

Experience: 27+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. S K Bakshi

Associate Director - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Gender: Male

Dr. Ahmad Imran Hanfi

Associate Director – Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 26+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Jay Kirtani

Associate Director

Internal Medicine

Experience: 13+ Years

Gender: Male

Can't find what you are looking for?

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Associate Director & Head of Unit

Internal Medicine

Experience: 26+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Anoop Kumar Malhotra

Associate Director

Internal Medicine

Experience: 35+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Neelima Mishra

Associate Director - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 34+ Years

Gender: Female

Dr. Namrita Singh

Associate Director & Unit Head - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 25+ Years

Gender: Female

Dr. Manoj Aggarwal

Principal Consultant - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Gender: Male

Dr. S.K.Arora

Principal Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 43+ Years

Gender: Male

Can't find what you are looking for?

Dr. Vandana Boobna

Associate Director

Internal Medicine

Experience: 25+ Years

Gender: Female

Dr. Parinita Kaur

Principal Consultant & Unit Head - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 26+ Years

Gender: Female

Dr. Deepali Mohanty

Principal Consultant – Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Experience: 29+ Years

Gender: Female

Dr. Vivek Pal Singh

Principal Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 14+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Dinesh Srivastava

Principal Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 41+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Prem Narayan Vaish

Principal Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 15+ Years

Gender: Male

Can't find what you are looking for?

Dr. S.K. Varun

Principal Consultant

Internal Medicine

Experience: 4+ Years

Gender: Male

Dr. Nitin Dadarao Wadaskar

Principal Consultant - Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine

Gender: Female

Can't find what you are looking for?

At Max Hospital India, expert care is available for a wide range of conditions, including Anemia. Our top specialists provide advanced treatments using cutting-edge technology, ensuring the best possible care for Anemia. Whether through video consultations or in-person visits, patients receive personalised treatment tailored to their needs. Explore our doctors' qualifications, experience, and areas of expertise. Our seamless online booking system makes scheduling appointments and checking OPD timings quick and hassle-free. Visit Max Hospital India for trusted, high-quality healthcare.

Frequently Asked Questions

Anaemia is a condition characterised by a deficiency of red blood cells or haemoglobin in the blood, resulting in reduced oxygen-carrying capacity.
Anaemia can be caused by nutritional deficiencies (iron, vitamin B12, or folate), chronic diseases, genetic disorders, blood loss, or bone marrow problems.
Anaemia is diagnosed through blood tests that measure the levels of haemoglobin, red blood cells, and other related parameters.
The common types of anaemia include iron-deficiency anaemia, vitamin deficiency anaemia (B12 and folate), anaemia of chronic disease, hemolytic anaemia, and sickle cell anaemia. Anaemia can sometimes be secondary to an underlying blood malignancy such as multiple myeloma, lymphoma and myelodysplasia. Proper evaluation for underlying causes with a good peripheral smear examination and bone marrow examination may be required to establish the diagnosis and institute proper treatment.
Iron deficiency anaemia is usually treated with iron supplementation, dietary changes to include iron-rich foods, and addressing the underlying cause of iron deficiency.
Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia is often treated with B12 injections or supplements, while folate deficiency anaemia is treated with folic acid supplementation and dietary changes.
The treatment of anaemia of chronic disease involves managing the underlying condition, using medications that stimulate red blood cell production (erythropoiesis-stimulating agents), or, in severe cases, blood transfusions.
In certain cases of severe anaemia, blood transfusions may be necessary to quickly restore red blood cell levels and improve oxygenation.
A diet rich in iron, vitamin B12, and folate is recommended for treating different types of anaemia.
The outlook for anaemia depends on its underlying cause. Some types of anaemia can be cured with appropriate treatment, while others may require long-term management.
Side effects depend on the specific treatment. Iron supplementation may cause constipation or stomach upset, while certain medications may have their own associated risks.
Yes, anaemia during pregnancy can be a concern as it can increase the risk of complications for both the mother and the baby. Adequate prenatal care and proper management of anaemia are essential.
Anaemia can be mild to severe, and its seriousness depends on the underlying cause and the individual's overall health. Severe or untreated anaemia can have significant health consequences and should be addressed promptly.
In some cases, anaemia can recur if the underlying cause is not effectively managed or if there is a relapse of the condition. Regular monitoring and appropriate follow-up care are essential.
Reviewed by Dr. Nivedita Dhingra - Principal Consultant - Hematology Oncology, Bone Marrow Transplant, Cancer Care / Oncology, Medical Oncology

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