Dr. Sanjay Kolte
Director & Head – Urology & Kidney Transplant
Urology, Kidney Transplant
Experience: 31+ Years
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About Dr. Sanjay Kolte
Work Experience
- First Kidney transplant surgeon amongst the Alumni Govt Medical College, Nagpur
- Established the kidney transplant programme and mentored surgeons at
-AIIMS, Nagpur
-Govt Medical College and Super-specialty hospital Nagpur in 2015
-Superspeciality hospital Amravati (Ministry of Public health-Govt of Maharashtra)
-AVBRH Sawangi
- Kidney Transplant Surgeon at the Super-specialty Hospital in Amravati for the past 7 years
- Initiated the deceased donor kidney transplantation program in Central India & performed the 1st successful cadaveric (deceased donor) kidney transplantation at Nagpur April 2013
- Initiated and performed the first DCD (Donation after Circulatory death) in MAHARASHTRA at AIIMS, Nagpur Dec 2023
- Pioneered Thulium laser surgery for treatment of Benign prostate Hypertrophy surgery and technique of Supine PCNL
- National faculty for live demonstration of the abovementioned techniques at -
-ThuLEP at USICON 2017 in Mumbai ,SZUSICON in 2016 and other various other workshops at state and city levels
-Supine PCNL at DY Patil Medical College Pune in the year 2017 under the auspices of WZUSI
Education & Training
- M.S. (General Surgery) IGMC, Nagpur 1991
- M.Ch (Urology)- LTM Medical College Sion, Mumbai 1995
- FISOT – Fellow of Indian Society of Organ transplantation.
- Experience in Deceased donor Kidney Transplantation at the Deptt of Transplantation Surgery, Fairview Hospitals, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 2012
- Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery (Strausberg- France) 2014
- Schooling at The Scindia School, Gwalior (1974-1981)
- Urology Society of India No: K097 FL
- Association of minimal access surgeons of India AMASI (membership no 2008) since 20/3/2005
- Indian Society of Pediatric Urology.
- Indian Society of Organ Transplantation (ISOT) LM 541
- Society Internationale de Urology (SIU) No:8245 since oct 2004
- Endourological Society since Jan 2001
- European association of Urology- EAU-92510
- American society of transplant surgeons ASTS Since Jan 2010
- American Urology Association.
- The Transplantation Society
Speciality Interest
- Kidney Transplant
- Endo-Urology
- Prostate Laser Surgery
- Reconstructive Urology
Research Papers & Publications
- Up & Down-O-Gram Under Anaesthesia-A Decision Making Aid In Posterior Urethral Strictures - The Bombay Hospital Journal Vol.38,No1,1996.
- Anuria In A Case Of Endometrial Carcinoma Due to Radiation Fibrosis Of The Ureter Of A Solitary Functioning Kidney: - The Journal of Obs & Gyn Of India Feb 2002 Vol 52,No 1pg 155.
- Anterior Urethral Valves- A Rare Cause Of Urethral Obstruction: The Indian Journal Of Paediatrics Jan 2001 , Vol68,No.1,P:83-85
- Spontaneous Urethral Migration Of A Sponge Left During Abdominal Hysterectomy-: Indian Journal of Surgery June 2005
- PUJ Obstruction In A Duplex System-The Indian Journal Of Pediatrics Vol 69-Aug 2002 Page 717-719
- Primary Vaginoliths –Indian Journal Of Radiology & Imaging 2002 , 12:4:511-512
- Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis: A Case Report : In Press Accepted For Publication In The Indian Journal Of Clinical Practice.
- Primary Papillary Mesothelial Hyperplasia of the renal capsule –An unusaual cause of renal calcification –Indian Journal of Urology Oct 2003.
- Spontaneous renal allograft rupture due to Iliac vein thrombophlebitis – Indian Journal of Transplantation ,2015, Vol 9 /1,34-36
- Consensus Statement on guidelines for Organ Donation from COVID‑Positive Deceased Donors - Indian Society of Organ Transplantation, Liver Transplant Society of India and Indian Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation - Indian J Transplant 2022;16:8‑16.
- Kolte SP, Chaubey S, Hazra S, Kolte M. Simultaneous live‑related kidney transplant and mesenteric cyst excision - A case report. Indian J Transplant 2022;16:328-30
- Kolte SP, Kolte MS, Bhargava VP, Bhuyar SA. Thulium laser ablation for ureteritis cystica. J Curr Res Sci Med 2022;8:200-2
International Journals :
1)Thulium laser coagulation for venous malformations of glans penis: Asian Journal of Urology (2016),110-111
2)Megalourethra with calculi – Urology -The Gold journal Vol74,5,Nov 2009 ,1129-1131
3) Primary renal carcinoid tumour presenting as an unusual calcific mass -Urotoday International journal .2011Apr4(2):art 28.doi:10.3834/uij.1944-5784.2011.04.10
4) Case diagnosis 25 http:/ /www.urotoday.com/ index.php?ption=com_joomlaquiz_id=27&itemid=532.Published 11/30/2012.Accessed 12/3/2012
Frequently Asked Questions
- M.S. (General Surgery) IGMC, Nagpur 1991
- M.Ch (Urology)- LTM Medical College Sion, Mumbai 1995
- FISOT – Fellow of Indian Society of Organ transplantation.
- Experience in Deceased donor Kidney Transplantation at the Deptt of Transplantation Surgery, Fairview Hospitals, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 2012
- Diploma in Laparoscopic Surgery (Strausberg- France) 2014
- Schooling at The Scindia School, Gwalior (1974-1981)
Showcasing their extensive education and training.