Which cancers can spread to the brain?
The most common cancers that can spread to the brain include lung, breast, colon, kidney, and melanoma. Brain metastases can be solitary or multiple.
How does radiation therapy affect the brain?
Radiation therapy can cause side effects such as fatigue, headaches, and changes in memory and cognitive functions. In most cases, these side effects subside after the treatment course, but they can occasionally become permanent.
Is brain cancer curable?
The prognosis for brain cancer varies depending on the type and stage of the tumour. In some cases, brain tumours can be completely removed, while in others, ongoing treatment is necessary to manage and slow down the progression.
What is the difference between malignant and benign brain tumours?
Malignant brain tumours are cancerous and tend to grow and recur frequently, while benign tumours are non-cancerous and typically grow slowly.
Can brain tumours recur after treatment?
Brain tumours can sometimes recur after treatment, especially if the original tumour is malignant. Regular monitoring and follow-up with a neuro-oncologist are important for early detection of any recurrence.
FAQs reviewed by Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, Associate Consultant, Medical Oncology and Dr. Atul Sharma, Vice Chairman, Medical Oncology, Cancer Care / Oncology.