• Tooth pain, tooth decay, tooth fractures
• Single tooth replacement, multiple tooth replacement, full mouth rehabilitation
• Misaligned teeth, misaligned jaws
• Gum diseases, jaw bone diseases
• Oral infections, and cysts
• Oral hygiene management of children, prevention and interception of developing malalignment of teeth, Prevention and interception of developing jaw disorientation or malocclusion
• Fractures of the jaw
• Pain and dysfunction of the jaw joint known as the temporo-mandibular joint
• Tooth pain and decay : fillings, root canal therapy
• Tooth replacements : dentures, bridges, implants, implant supported dentures
• Misaligned teeth: orthodontic treatment for major malalignments, veneers and crowns for minor malalignments
• Misaligned jaws : orthodontic treatment or surgery, or a combination of the two
• Gum diseases : treated by thorough root cleaning, laser dentistry, or flap surgery
• Oral infections and cysts : management and treatment will be advised after thorough diagnosis
• Dental procedures for children are different from the procedures done on adults. Special care needs to be taken for their treatment.
• Developing malalignments and malocclusions can be prevented and intercepted by identifying the cause and starting orthodontic treatment in a timely manner.
Depending on oral hygiene, medical conditions, your dentist will recommend to you how often you should visit for a checkup. Smokers, pregnant women, diabetics patient etc. will be required to visit once every 2 months.
Dental bonding may be done to fill gaps between teeth, repair small chips, and smoothen rough edges. It is called as a bonding because the tooth colored resin material is bonded to the tooth using adhesives and a high intensity curing light. The shade matching with the rest of the teeth is important because it gives a natural look rather than the appearance of white teeth.
Dental crowns are tooth-shaped "caps" placed over teeth. Crowns are usually made of porcelain, or porcelain fused to metal, and restore the tooth's natural shape, contour, and appearance. They form the entire visible portion of the tooth.
Veneers are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials, either porcelain or resin, that are bonded to the front surface of teeth.
Recontouring or reshaping removes small amounts of tooth surface to change a tooth's size, shape, surface or length.
Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages and differ in terms of cost, durability, and "chair time."
A smile makeover can be achieved in various ways, depending on what the patient requires. These include
a. Tooth colour: Despite having perfectly aligned teeth, stains and discolouration often cause distraction. Your dentist can perform in-office bleaching or teeth whitening, and he/she can pick out a shade of colour, which best matches, your skin complexion. Tooth color and shade is an important consideration for a smile makeover procedure such as porcelain veneers, dental crowns, and composite bonding.
b. Face shape: With aging, wearing down or loss of teeth takes place, which can alter your face shape as well—making you look older. A cosmetic dentist may recommend either orthodontic treatment or oral maxillofacial surgery to fill out your cheeks and face, reviving a more youthful look. This is a part of smile makeover procedures.
c. Missing teeth: Missing teeth or gaps between teeth is not only a hazard to your oral health, but also takes away from the attractiveness of it. As part of the treatment plan to redesign your smile, your dentist will suggest various treatment measures for you to choose from. These may include orthodontic treatment, dental implants, crowns and/or bridges.
d. Alignment: Severely misaligned smiles are best treated by orthodontics, keeping in mind the best treatment results, and health of the teeth. When a smile is severely misaligned, the course of treatment is to re-align all the teeth. Minor misalignments can be treated with composite restorations or veneers, but these need to be done with caution.
Your dentist will inform you regarding the treatment duration, when discussing various treatment options with you regarding your complaints.
There are three options for replacing multiple teeth:
a. Dentures: They are false teeth that are relatively quick and easy to fabricate. These are removable. They can be partial, to replace one or a few missing teeth, or complete, to replace all the teeth in a mouth where they are missing. A denture is a metal or acrylic framework which supports the false teeth. The framework is removable, and is designed to fit around the adjacent teeth.
b. A Bridge uses the natural teeth which lie adjacent to the area of the missing tooth, to support the false tooth/teeth between them. The natural teeth need to be shaped or contoured, in order to fit the bridge over them. A bridge is usually of 3 units, which means that for the replacement of one missing tooth, two of the adjacent teeth will be shaped to hold the bridge.
c. Dental implants are also used to replace natural teeth and are now the preferred line of treatment. Implants are usually composed of two major parts: the implant, which is cylindrical, tapered and titanium posts placed in the jaw to support the crown; and the crown, which is the tooth part visible in the mouth. Implants are excellent options as they look, feel, and function just as natural teeth do.
Pre-operative instructions include:
• Eating well a few hours before the procedure.
• Plan to eat soft foods for a few days after the procedure
• Wear loose, comfortable clothing to your appointment. Avoid wearing neckties and scarves.
• Do not plan any strenuous activities for 3 days after the procedure.
• Arrange an escort to your appointment to accompany you home.
• In case of any underlying medical condition, inform your dentist during the treatment planning procedure so that medication can be adjusted accordingly.
Post-operative instructions include:
• Some amount of bleeding and swelling is normal in the first hour
• A piece of gauze to be held in position, over the operated area
• Saliva should be swallowed. It should neither be spat nor collected in the mouth as it will hinder in clot formation.
• Food and water to be avoided
In the first 24 hours:
• Avoid solid food
• Reduced physical activity
• Do not brush or rinse your mouth
• Food and water consumed should either be cold or at room temperature. Hot foods must be avoided completely.
• Ice packs may be used externally over the operated area.
• Medication for pain and infection will be advised by the dentist.
After 24 hours:
• Solid food may be started according to the patient’s comfort.
• Warm saline rinses to be done 3-4 times a day.
• Medication to be continued till course ends
• Warm foods and liquids may be consumed
• Hygiene should be maintained; however brushing should be done gently.