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Call Us+91 926 888 0303Rectal tenesmus is a condition when someone feels that the bowel is not empty even after passing the stool. In such conditions, patients might not feel comfortable while bowel movements due to continuous strain and cramping. Rectal tenesmus is not often considered a disorder but it's more of a symptom that might indicate other health issues. In most cases, Rectal tenesmus indicates other health disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease, colitis, parasitism, haemorrhoids and others. One should seek medical assistance if the condition resists for a long time. A proper diagnosis of Rectal tenesmus is needed to know the actual cause of the condition.
Several underlying symptoms are associated with Rectal tenesmus are discussed underneath:
A patient with Rectal tenesmus might often need to pass stool even if the bowel is empty. Patients with such conditions often complain about discomfort and cramping during bowel movements. Besides those, in some cases pain in the stomach and rectal bleeding is noticeable.
One should not ignore those above-mentioned symptoms if they stay for long. However, in case of high fever, severe rectal bleeding, vomiting, or nausea, patients should seek immediate help from the doctors.
As per the studies, the real cause of Rectal tenesmus is still not clear. Doctors often find it difficult to understand the main cause. Some of the major underlining cause of Rectal tenesmus has been discussed below:
Several studies show that bowel inflammation may lead to issues in nerves that are related to waste excretion. These nerves may send an erroneous signal to the brain when it's become overstimulated. Due to this, patients may feel a frequent urge to passing stool. Overstimulated nerves may trigger the gut muscle that involves in pushing out the stools.
Damages or scars in the bowel can be another potential reason for Rectal tenesmus. Due to the diarrhoea or severe constipation bowel tissues often get scars that lead to Rectal tenesmus. Patients might also feel discomfort or pain while passing the stool.
As per the studies, Rectal tenesmus is a sign that shows the inability of the digestive system The digestive system might hamper due to several health conditions such as inflammation, bowel damage, nerve issues etc. however, other health conditions can evoke the chances of Rectal tenesmus
In some cases, rectal cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer might also be the reason behind inflammation or damage in the bowel that led to Rectal tenesmus. Besides that, diarrhoea or haemorrhoid can also be a possible cause.
Patients with Rectal tenesmus should seek professional assistance in case the problem resists for long. During the diagnosis medical specialist might ask a few questions to the patient such as family history, current symptoms and medical history of the patient. However, several tests might be recommended by the doctor
to check the inflammation or any kind of abnormalities around the rectum area, physical tests are significant. These help the doctors to understand the situation well. A digital rectal exam might be suggested by the doctors that will help them to know if any infection, haemorrhoids or unwanted growths are there in the anus.
Besides physical tests, doctors might suggest blood and stool tests that help in narrowing the number of causes associated with Rectal tenesmus. A complete blood count test (CBC) is one of the tests recommended by doctors to know the count of red and white blood cells. To detect blood in the stool. a Faecal occult blood test is considered by the doctors. Following this, a stool culture test is also suggested to know the presence of bacteria in the stool. The chances of gonorrhoea, syphilis and chlamydia can be examined through STI screening.
After conducting a successful diagnosis, Rectal tenesmus can be treated efficiently. By knowing the exact cause of Rectal tenesmus, doctors can eliminate other possible origins. Due to the variety of causes, the procedure of Rectal tenesmus is also quite diverse.
Studies show that Rectal tenesmus is more of a symptom rather than a disorder and in most cases. Rectal tenesmus occurs due to other healthcare conditions. Rectal tenesmus often indicates diverse ranges of health conditions. Due to this, one should take advice from medical professionals if the symptoms don't go away. Proper screening and diagnosis are important to consider to know the actual cause. Avoidance in treatment can lead to serious complications such as IBS, haemorrhoids. colitis, diarrhoea etc.
Several risk factors might occur due to Rectal tenesmus if it's not treated. Most of the cases suggest that Rectal tenesmus occurs due to other health disorders that make it more vulnerable. One should ensure proper diagnosis of Rectal tenesmus to know the health issue behind this. Delaying in this can evoke the chances of more complex issues.
Rectal tenesmus is known to be a sign of bowel movement. With proper and timely treatment, one can get relief from this condition. However, delaying this can worsen the situation. Improvement in lifestyle along with considering balanced diet is necessary.
Reviewed By Dr Ashish Vashistha- Senior Director & HOD - General Surgery & Robotics on 03 Sept 2024.
Max Healthcare is home to 5000 eminent doctors in the world, most of whom are pioneers in their respective fields. Additionally, they are renowned for developing innovative and revolutionary clinical procedures.
Max Healthcare is home to 5000 eminent doctors in the world, most of whom are pioneers in their respective fields. Additionally, they are renowned for developing innovative and revolutionary clinical procedures.
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