







Emergency Services

24x7 Specialists.
Life Support Ambulance.
Fast Response Time.

air ambulance (+91 11 4055 4055)

Air ambulance services from IERS ensure you the safest & most secure shifting to our hospital or medical centers located across India. Our world class air emergency medical services will let you reach any of our network hospitals within the least possible time.

Service Includes

  • Transporting patients on special aircraft - AIR AMBULANCE / Commercial Airlines / choppers.
  • Special trained team of doctor/ nurse accompanying the patient from "bedside to bedside" throughout the transfer.
  • Ticketing and ground transport for the patient.
  • Special assistance at the airport for speedy and comfortable boarding.
  • Arrangement of portable life saving equipment like defibrillators, ventilators, infusion pumps, spine board, balloon pumps, pacemakers, monitors, oxygen cylinders, stretchers and other special requirements in the aircraft.

How it works

  • As air ambulance service is contacted at +91 11 4055 4055 (accessible from cell phones and land lines), Communication Officer (CO) collects facts and scopes emergency.
  • We then get in touch with our aircraft partners and confirm logistics (availability of aircraft, nearest landing strip, weather conditions, statutory permissions etc).
  • Caller is called back by our command and control staff and detailed information is shared including cost and estimated time to reach the patient / caller.
  • Upon confirmation of charges and logistics by caller / patient, air ambulance is dispatched immediately.

surface ambulance (+91 11 4055 4055)

In case of a medical emergency, just call the max emergency services at 011 4055 4055 and a well-equipped ambulance with trained emergency staff will reach you within 30 minutes*. the ambulances are equipped with state of the art medical equipment like cardiac monitors, defibrillator, airway equipment etc. transport ventilator is also available for transport of intubated and ventilated patients.

How it works?

  • As you call Max Emergency Services, a trained Max Dispatch Officer gathers basic and critical information from you to provide you with immediate help.
  • The Max Dispatch Officer may ask you for additional information in order to prepare the ambulance crew for the situation. The ambulance is already on its way during this phase and the Dispatch Officer communicates all the facts to the Emergency Staff to avoid any delays.
  • In our quest to help our patients in the best possible way, we have immediate medical care at hand, ready, in case the need be. A team of highly specialized doctors is always on standby at the nearest Max Hospital to ensure immediate attention to the patient.
  • The Emergency Staff is constantly in contact with the doctor to keep the doctor posted about patient's condition. This helps the doctor prepare and be ready to attend the patient as soon as the ambulance reaches the hospital.

We have ambulances all around the city and max ambulance services are provided at fixed charge.

You must know:

  • Call Max Emergency Services only in case of emergencies.
  • Do not call to gather information or enquiry.
  • Do not make prank calls as real emergencies might suffer.
  • If you accidentally call up, do not hang up unless the officer asks you to do so.

Types of medical emergencies are attended to, by max emergency services:

  • Injuries
  • Cardiac problems
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Maternal / Neonatal
  • Epilepsy
  • Unconsciousness
  • Animal Bite
  • Fever

The Time between emergency situation and arrival of medical help is critical. The key to dealing with a medical emergency begins with staying calm & giving first-aid before medical help arrives. Click here to download our ready reckoner of how to provide first aid in a medical emergency.