1. All symptoms along with their characteristics and duration
2. All recent medical tests such as blood tests, urine tests, etc.
3. If you have any existing medical conditions, bring along your prescription and related medical information
4. Information about your family history
5. Your insurance details or company ID card, if the hospital is on your panel.
In India, it is expected 12 % of the population is expected to have urinary stones, with recurrent stones a possibility, in almost 50% of stone patients.
Kidney stones are normally due to an extra build-up of calcium, uric acid, oxalates or phosphates in urine.
Causes of kidney stones:
Due to recurrent infections, such as UTI.
Hot climate increase the concentration of solutes in urine
Dehydration: People who drink less than the recommended 8 – 10 glasses of water may be susceptible to kidney stones
Metabolic causes such as hyperparathyroidism, Gout
Immobilization (such as a paraplegic patient), sedentary life style
Randall’s plaques
Renal anomalies like PUJ obstruction.
Family history of stone formers
Some drugs leads to stone formation
Yes, diet affects the formation of kidney stones. Not drinking enough water, diet rich in red meat, dry fruits, calcium and oxalates can cause kidney stones.
Prostatitis due to bacterial infection is contagious. Unsafe sex can lead to spread of the bacteria to the partner.
There are certain measures one must take to make to avoid prostatitis:
Hygiene is your priority. Make sure you are cleaning yourself regularly especially your penis and foreskin
Ejaculate regularly- if you ejaculate infrequently or practice ‘Bhramcharya’, your semen (prostatic secretions) accumulates inside prostate and leads to infection.
Do not go for urination immediately after sex/ ejaculation. If you urinate immediately after ejaculation, urine enters into opened prostatic glands orifices and causes prostatitis.
Hydrate yourself to make sure your urination is adequate.
If you are prone to UTI’s, get routinely examined.
If you are diabetic, get regular checkups and control your blood sugar level.
Practice safe sex
Infrequent Ejaculation or abstinence from sexual activity
Urination immediately after ejaculation
Bladder outlet obstruction such as BPH, Stricture urethra, Stones, Tumors
A suppressed immune system,
Unprotected sex / Multiple Partners
Diabetes Mellitus
: Depending on the type and progress of the prolapse, there are surgical & non-surgical treatment options. Non-surgical treatments include physiotherapy to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to retract the prolapse, changing diet and bowel habits, use of a pessary (a rubber device placed inside the vagina) to give additional support.
Surgery is done to retract the prolapse, repair the torn ligaments and fascia. A synthetic mesh may be used to give additional support.
In adult more than 40 year of age, even a single episode of hematuria should warrant investigations to rule out cancer.
Exercising regularly
Healthy balanced vegetarian diet
Healthy frequency of ejaculation
Hygiene of the penis and the surrounding areas
Safe sex
Prostate cancer is due to the genetic mutation of certain prostate cell lines. Risk factors such as advancing age, family history, race, geography may also affect the chance of cancer developing.
There are certain considerations that one can adopt to prevent prostate cancer :
Maintain a healthy body weight
Limit your red meat and dairy intake
Balances vegetarian diet
Exercise regularly
Ejaculate regularly
Avoid smoking
Drink in moderation
Avoid over the counter health promotion drugs / supplements
After the age of 40, go for a yearly rectal exam with/without a PSA test. Talk to your urologist about prostate cancer screening.