




Largest Reported Pancreatic Tumour Removed in an Elderly Man

in Max Hospital, Gurgaon

Nov 01 , 2022

An elderly man visited Max Hospital, Gurugram, with a complaint of dull aching pain in the left upper abdomen for two months. Abdominal CECT was suggestive of a solid pseudopapillary tumour (SPT) of the pancreas with splenic vein thrombosis and consequent sinistral (left-sided) portal hypertension.

The patient underwent open distal Pancreatectomy with Splenectomy and en bloc resection of the splenic flexure of the colon with primary anastomosis. The large size of the tumour and sinistral portal hypertension made the surgery technically demanding. The post-operative period was uneventful & he was discharged from the hospital on post-operative day 6.

The histopathology report confirmed the diagnosis of SPT of the pancreas, 22 cm in the largest dimension. This is the largest SPT of the pancreas reported in English literature to-date.