






Top Colon Cancer Doctors in India


Doctors Available

Dr. Mohammad Atif Khan

visiting consultant – GI & General Surgery

General Surgery, Laparoscopic / Minimal Access Surgery, Gastro Intestinal & Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgical Oncology, Gastrointestinal & Hepatobiliary Oncology, Institute of Laparoscopic, Endoscopic & Bariatric Surgery, Robotic Surgery

Experience: 19+ Years

Gender: Male

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Conditions are an all-encompassing term for all diseases, disorders and illnesses. Above doctors at Max Hospital, India are the top specialists for Colon Cancer in India, India. Book a video consultation or in-hospital appointment to receive the best treatments with cutting edge technology. Learn more about Colon Cancer doctors’ qualification, background, specialization and experience. Book doctor appointments online, check OPD timings at one of the best hospitals in Max Hospital, India.

Frequently Asked Questions

Colon cancer is a cancer which starts in parts of the large intestine: colon or rectum.
The exact cause is still not clear. However, there are certain risk factors, which include a family history of colon cancer, a diet high in red or processed meats, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and certain genetic conditions.

Symptoms include changes in bowel habits, abdominal discomfort, blood in the stool, and fatigue.

Diagnosis typically involves colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, CT scans, and blood tests.

Screening guidelines vary, but generally, individuals should start screening at age 45-50. People with a family history or other risk factors may need to start earlier.

Treatment depends on the stage of cancer but may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy.

A colonoscopy is a procedure in which a flexible tube with a camera is used to examine the colon. The frequency of colonoscopies for screening depends on your risk factors and your doctor's recommendations.

Colon cancer can be curable, especially when detected in its early stages. The outcome depends on the stage at diagnosis and the effectiveness of treatment.

In some cases, early-stage colon cancer may be treated with surgery alone. However, in more advanced cases, chemotherapy or radiation therapy may also be necessary.

The recovery time after colon cancer surgery depends on the extent of the surgery and the individual patient, but most people are able to return to normal activities within a few weeks to a few months.

Yes, colon cancer can recur after treatment, which is why it is important to continue with regular follow-up appointments and screening tests.

Genetic factors can play a role in the development of colon cancer, particularly in cases of hereditary colon cancer syndromes such as Lynch Syndrome.

In some cases, colon cancer can be cured, particularly if it is detected early and treated aggressively.

You can support a loved one with colon cancer by offering emotional support, helping with practical tasks such as transportation or grocery shopping, and educating yourself about the disease.

If you experience symptoms such as changes in bowel habits, blood in the stool, abdominal pain or cramping, unexplained weight loss, or fatigue, you should see your doctor for an evaluation.


Reviewed by Dr. Vivek Mangla, Director - Gastrointestinal and Hepatopancreatobiliary (GI & HPB) Surgical Oncology, Vaishali and Patparganj on 20-Sep-2023.