






Top Pancreas cancer treatment Doctors in India


Doctors Available

Dr. Mohammad Atif Khan

visiting consultant – GI & General Surgery

General Surgery, Laparoscopic / Minimal Access Surgery, Gastro Intestinal & Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgical Oncology, Gastrointestinal & Hepatobiliary Oncology, Institute of Laparoscopic, Endoscopic & Bariatric Surgery, Robotic Surgery

Experience: 19+ Years

Gender: Male

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Max Hospital, India houses some of the best specialists for Pancreas cancer treatment that are trained to provide best treatments available with the latest technology. The doctors can be consulted at India through in-hospital appointments and video consultations. Learn more about Pancreas cancer treatment doctors’ qualification, background, specialization and experience. Book doctor appointments online, check OPD timings at one of the best hospitals in India.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pancreatic cancer (PC) is a type of cancer that starts in the pancreatic cells and can then spread to other body parts.
The exact cause of pancreatic cancer is unknown, but risk factors such as smoking, obesity, and family history may increase the chances of developing the disease.
Yes, pancreatic cancer can be hereditary. People with a family history of cancer or certain genetic mutations may have an increased risk of developing the disease. However, in most patients, there is no hereditary risk factor at diagnosis.
Pancreatic cancer is typically diagnosed through imaging tests such as CT scans and biopsies to examine the pancreas and detect any abnormal cells.
Pancreatic cancer can spread to nearby organs such as the duodenum, surrounding blood vessels (such as Portal vein, SMV, SMA) and lymph nodes, as well as distant organs such as the bones, brain, liver, and lungs.
Tumors are staged based on the size of the tumour, the extent of spread to nearby organs or lymph nodes, and the degree of cancer cell activity. This helps determine the stage of the cancer and the most appropriate treatment options.
Some questions to ask your doctor may include the stage of your cancer, the treatment options available, the potential side effects of treatment, and the prognosis for your condition.
Surgery may be used to remove the tumour and affected tissue in the pancreas. This can include procedures such as a Whipple procedure or distal pancreatectomy.
Early detection and treatment may improve survival rates and quality of life. However, most cases are advanced at diagnosis, which results In most cases of pancreatic cancer not getting cured.
It can take several years for pancreatic cancer to develop and grow to a detectable size.
Treatment options for advanced pancreatic cancer may include chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of these approaches. With the advent of advanced surgical techniques, some patients with seemingly inoperable pancreatic cancers can actually have surgery to remove their pancreatic cancer.
While there is no sure way to prevent pancreatic cancer, some lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and limiting alcohol consumption, may reduce the risk.
Pancreatic cancer has a high mortality rate and often does not cause symptoms until it has advanced, making it difficult to detect and treat.
Yes, pancreatic cancer can spread to the lymph nodes, which are part of the immune system that helps fight infections.
Recovery time after pancreatic cancer surgery depends on the type of procedure and the patient's overall health, but it may take several days to weeks.
Supporting a loved one with pancreatic cancer may involve providing emotional support, assisting with daily tasks, and helping them navigate the healthcare system.
While pancreatic cancer is more common in older individuals, it can occur in younger people as well.
FAQs reviewed by Dr. Vivek Mangla, Director, Gastrointestinal and Hepatopancreatobiliary (GI & HPB) Surgical Oncology.

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