







Top Tympanoplasty Doctors in India


Doctors Available

Dr. Divi Rastogi

Attending Consultant

ENT(Ear Nose Throat)

Experience: 6+ Years

Gender: Female

Dr. Balpreet Singh Julka

Attending Consultant

ENT(Ear Nose Throat)

Experience: 7+ Years

Dr. Mehak Singhal

Attending Consultant

ENT(Ear Nose Throat)

Experience: 6+ Years

Gender: Female

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Frequently Asked Questions

Tympanoplasty is a surgery performed to repair a perforated eardrum or treat other middle ear conditions.

Tympanoplasty is needed to improve hearing, prevent recurrent infections, and reduce symptoms such as ear pain and discharge associated with a perforated eardrum.

During tympanoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision behind the ear, grafts a thin tissue onto the perforated eardrum, and may reconstruct the ossicles if necessary.
The success rate of tympanoplasty depends on the size and location of the perforation, the underlying cause, and the surgeon's expertise. Success rates range from 80% to 90%.
Recovery time after tympanoplasty varies, but most individuals can resume normal activities within a few weeks. Complete healing and improvement in hearing may take several months.
Like any surgical procedure, tympanoplasty carries certain risks, such as infection, bleeding, hearing loss, and recurrence of perforation. However, complications are relatively rare.
Tympanoplasty aims to improve hearing by repairing the eardrum. While hearing improvement is expected in most cases, the extent of improvement varies depending on the severity of the underlying condition.
Yes, tympanoplasty can be performed on children who have persistent eardrum perforations or other middle ear issues that affect their hearing and quality of life.
Tympanoplasty can be combined with other ear surgeries, such as ossiculoplasty (reconstruction of the middle ear bones) or mastoidectomy (removal of infected mastoid bone) if necessary.
Following tympanoplasty, patients are advised to avoid water entry into the ear, refrain from activities that may cause pressure changes (such as scuba diving or flying), and take prescribed medications as directed.
The incision made during tympanoplasty is typically placed behind the ear, which helps minimise visible scarring. However, individual healing and scarring patterns may vary.
In cases where a previous tympanoplasty has failed or a perforation has recurred, revision surgery can be performed to repair the eardrum and improve hearing.
Alternatives to tympanoplasty include observation without surgery, using earplugs or other protective devices, and exploring non-surgical options to manage symptoms and prevent infections.
Yes, if both ears have perforated eardrums or require surgical intervention, tympanoplasty can be performed bilaterally. However, the decision depends on individual circumstances.
Yes, tympanoplasty can be considered for individuals with a history of recurrent ear infections if conservative measures have been ineffective in treating the underlying problem.
There is no strict age limit for tympanoplasty. The suitability of the surgery is determined based on individual factors and consultation with an ENT specialist.
Tympanoplasty primarily focuses on repairing the eardrum and treating middle ear conditions. If hearing loss is caused by other factors, additional interventions may be necessary.
Tympanoplasty aims to provide long-lasting results. However, factors such as recurrent infections, trauma, or underlying conditions can potentially affect the longevity of the repair. Regular follow-ups with an ENT specialist are essential.