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Health is Wealth | Top Health Diet & Exercise

By Medical Expert Team

Apr 18 , 2016 | 2 min read


"Health is something a lot of us take for granted". We go on living our life in complacency, ignoring that back pain that crops up every now and then, paying no heed to pain in the knee when you climb the stairs or even headache that happens every so often. It is alright, you think, it will become fine in a while anyway, right? Wrong! Keeping yourself and those close to you healthy should be one of the most important things on your mind, because you never know what an early diagnosis can save you from. We highlight a few issues you may think do not need any attention but these lifestyle changes can make all the difference in your lives! 

Health is Wealth For Everyone

Diet: A good diet in your lifestyle is a key to good health. And much as you may like to think that one additional samosa or that one extra gulaab jamun will make no difference, the truth is actually quite the opposite. A proper diet can save you from common lifestyle ailments like diabetes, cholesterol and even blood pressure related issues. Make sure you have a heavy and healthy breakfast, preferably combined with cereals. Also ensure you either have milk or juice with your breaker. If you feel hungry around 11 am, try to have as much fruits as you can. And around 4 pm, when you feel snacky, go in for a healthy snack like roasted dry fruits or soya sticks instead of chips and pakoras. Keep your dinner light and try and have it as early as possible.

Exercise: Yes, we know you dislike exercising quite a bit and enjoy putting it off as much as possible. However, instead of the boring gym, you could go for more enjoyable workouts like Zumba, aerobics or sports like tennis, badminton etc that take your mind off the workout. These are not just exercises for the body but also for the brains. If you find even these to be a challenge, make sure you go for a walk at least once a day. 

Regular Checkups & Insurance Cover: It is vital to take your family for routine checkups including blood tests, eye checkups, dental checkups, diabetes profiles etc., simply because prevention is better than cure. We know the importance of keeping your family healthy and that is why we offer all the services that will enable you to take care of yourself and your near and dear ones. 

Written and Verified by:

Medical Expert Team