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Leaky Gut Syndrome: Diet, Causes, Test, Symptoms, Treatment

By Dr. Vikas Singla in Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Endoscopy

Mar 29 , 2022 | 3 min read


In present times, most of us strive towards improving our gut health because it impacts our overall health quality. But in the process of improving gut health, one can suffer from certain medical conditions such as leaky gut syndrome. Conditions like leaky gut syndrome, also known as intestinal permeability, have a negative impact on the gut health of the respective individual. The term ‘leaky gut’ signifies that the gut lining is damaged for a particular reason. The holes increase in size due to the condition. It allows the entry of harmful substances such as harmful bacteria, gluten, and undigested food particles into the digestive system. This affects the functioning of the gut in the respective individual. 

Causes of Leaky Gut Syndrome: 

Leaky Gut Syndrome is caused due to the following factors: 

  1. Nutritional deficiencies and poor diet: Leaky gut syndrome is caused due to long-term zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin D deficiencies. Also, increased intake of sugar, especially fructose, genetically modified foods (GMO), dairy products, grains, to name a few.
  2. Stress: Stress taken for a long time often contributes to an occurrence of conditions like leaky gut syndrome. 
  3. Excessive alcohol intake: Individuals consuming alcohol regularly often pose themselves at risk of being affected with Leaky Gut Syndrome. 
  4. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): Usage of NSAIDs such as ibuprofen contributes to an increase in permeability that leads to the leaky gut syndrome. 

Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome: 

  1. Changes in the digestive system, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diarrhea, and bloating.
  2. Headaches and chronic fatigue
  3. Confusion and difficulty in concentrating 
  4. Skin problems such as acne, eczema, and rashes
  5. Food allergies or intolerances 
  6. Mental health conditions like attention deficit disorder, depression, and anxiety
  7. Weak immune system 

Medical tests for Leaky Gut Syndrome: 

  1. Premium Food Tolerance Blood Test Profile (IgG Based): This test helps to determine if the individual is sensitive to certain foods. It is also beneficial because food allergies and food intolerances cannot be differentiated easily. 
  2. Allergy testing: A food allergy test helps to determine the current IgE levels. These levels detect an allergy to a particular food. 
  3. Microbiome testing: This test includes the following: 
    1. Super Gut Report and Analysis
    2. Personal consultation with the medical expert and report analysis
    3. Case-based prebiotic and probiotic recommendations
  4. At-home metabolic test: This test involves measuring resting metabolic rate (RMR), maximum oxygen volume, and lactate threshold test at the comfort of the home. 

Diet for Leaky Gut Syndrome: 

Dieticians and medical experts recommend certain specific food items and beverages for individuals with symptoms related to Leaky Gut Syndrome. 

  1. Breakfast: Some of the food items and beverages that are suggested to patients with such symptoms include oatmeal, fruit, eggs, and toast. Fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, and kiwifruit slices are beneficial for patients with such symptoms. 
  2. Lunch: Some of the suggested lunch options include salad made up of tomatoes, chicken breast, and carrots. You can also opt for a salmon fillet with a mix of salad. 
  3. Dinner: You can keep your dinner light and consume grilled chicken breast, noodles, and sweet potatoes. 
  4. Snacks: You can opt for snacks such as peanut butter, grapes, a mix of almonds, and walnuts. 

Treatment for Leaky Gut Syndrome: 

Patients with Leaky Gut Syndrome are advised to make certain dietary and lifestyle changes to achieve the desired recovery: 

Dietary changes: 

  1. Increase consumption of probiotics for improved gut bacteria
  2. Increase consumption of prebiotic fiber such as whole grains and vegetables
  3. Reducing sugar consumption 
  4. Reducing the meat, dairy and egg consumption

Lifestyle changes: 

  1. Preparing a regular exercise schedule
  2. Taking ample amount of rest and sleep for 6-8 hours every day
  3. Avoid self-medication of medications 
  4. Quit smoking

These modifications will result in significant improvement in the overall health of the respective patient. Thus, with proper measures, you will find a certain improvement in your health and be able to resume back with your earlier routine soon. 

To learn more regarding this condition and specific measures you need to take regularly, book an appointment today.