Subserosal Fibroids Removal With A History Of Appendectomy & Caesarean Section
A 39-year-old female presented to Max Super Speciality Hospital, Mohali, with a complaint of pain in the abdomen. The patient had a caesarean section and appendectomy in the past. Ultrasound was suggestive of an 8.3 x 5.7 x 5.4 cm subserosal fibroid on the anterior wall. A diagnosis of Fibroid Uterus was made.
Treated By - Dr. Parampreet Kaur Ghuman
Nov 24 , 2022
Treatment Strategies in No Option Critical Limb Ischaemia
A 70-year-old male, with a non-healing ulcer in the left leg for three months and in severe rest pain for four months, came to Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh. He was not able to sleep and complained of continuous dull aching pain that got worse during the night. The patient had a history of smoking for the last 50 years, smoking 20-30 beedis per day. A CT angiogram was performed which showed very poor distal run-off. Still, an attempt for revascularisation was made, and tibial vessels were explored but found to be chronically occluded.
Nov 24 , 2022
A Case of Acute Stroke with Symptomatic Severe ICAD
A middle-aged male came to the emergency of Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, with symptoms of gait imbalance, slurred speech, and nystagmus for four days. He consulted in some other hospital where he was managed conservatively. His MRI brain revealed acute cerebellar & pontine ischemic infarcts (posterior circulation stroke). MR Angio Brain & cerebral DSA suggested severe mid-basilar Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease (ICAD) (>95% stenosis) & hence was put on dual anti-platelets.
Treated By - Dr. Shailesh Jain
Nov 24 , 2022
Necrotising Pneumonia with Empyema Thoracis
A 4-year-old boy was admitted to Max Super Specialty Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, with a high-grade fever for ten days, with no history of cough or coryza. He was quite unwell, toxic with mild tachypnoea, and no respiratory difficulty. He was on antibiotics.
Nov 24 , 2022
Patient Suffering from Frequent Mini-Strokes Successfully Underwent a Rare Brain Bypass
A 67-year-old patient, suffering from very frequent mini-strokes, underwent the “superficial temporal artery to the middle cerebral artery (STMC)” bypass surgery, a rare life-saving procedure.
Treated By - Dr. Shailesh Jain
Nov 24 , 2022
Doctors Performed Life-Saving Surgeries on Chinese Manjha Victims
Two of the many recent cases of life-threatening injuries, highlight the menace of "Chinese manjha" and its rampant illegal sale, despite a ban by the Government. A team of doctors, led by Dr Manoj K Johar, Senior Director & Head, Dept of Plastic Surgery, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj, recently saved the lives of two such victims caught in the manjha's deathly tangle.
Treated By - Dr. Manoj Johar
Nov 24 , 2022
Scarless Surgery Performed To Remove Cancerous Oral Tumour
To deliberate on the rising numbers of oral cancer cases and to highlight the advancements in the treatment modalities of oral cancers, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Vaishali, organised an interactive session today.
Treated By - Dr. Pawan Gupta
Nov 23 , 2022
Online Consult Resulting In Successful Removal of Recurrent Pancreatic Tumour
An 18-year-old lady from Mauritius, previously diagnosed with a pancreatic head mass, underwent an attempt at excision of a lesion with gastrojejunostomy in 2017 in Mauritius. She now came with complaints of abdominal pain for the last year. After an initial evaluation in her home country, they consulted initially online and then decided to travel for treatment at Max Super Speciality Hospital, Patparganj.
Treated By - Dr. Vivek Mangla
Nov 23 , 2022
Robotic Cystectomy For A Ruptured Large Splenic Cyst
A 19-year-old male from Mumbai ruptured a large splenic cyst while playing football. He was taken to the emergency room of a nearby hospital and then shifted to a big corporate hospital. He was stabilised and advised of Splenectomy by various consultants but did not get treatment option for spleen preservation in Mumbai.
Treated By - Dr. Vivek Bindal
Nov 23 , 2022
Saline Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) In A High Risk Patient With ACS
Coronary revascularisation using imaging guidance is becoming the standard of care. Intravascular OCT uses near infrared light to obtain intravascular images. It also talks about the nature of plaque like fibrous or calcific. In ACS, it talks about plaque rupture, thrombus. It has an edge over CAG regarding stent apposition.
Treated By - Dr. Punish Sadana, Dr. Preeti Sharma
Nov 23 , 2022
Endoscopic Balloon Dilatation Of The Eustachian Tube Performed 1st Time
The function of the Eustachian tube is to ventilate and regulate middle ear pressure, thus helping in sound conduction. In conditions like upper respiratory tract infection, nasal allergy, chronic sinusitis, nasal polyp, deviated nasal septum, hypertrophic adenoids, nasopharyngeal tumour, congenital conditions like cleft palate, submucosal cleft palate, Down’s syndrome, the Eustachian tube can be malfunctioning.
Treated By - Dr. Anupal Deka
Nov 23 , 2022
Dawn Of A New Era: Hybrid Procedure For Complex CHD
Doctor from MAX Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, successfully performed a futuristic procedure to save a child from a certain demise. - The Hybrid Stage I. This is cutting edge, where multidisciplinary teams work in tandem to achieve what individual stand-alone teams would struggle to accomplish.
Treated By - Dr. Kulbhushan Singh Dagar
Nov 23 , 2022