







DBS Programming for Parkinson’s Disease

Treated by Dr. Mukesh Kumar , Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket

Feb 22, 2023

Mrs. Kareem from Iraq was suffering from Parkinson’s Disease. She had a DBS Surgery in Yemen, but the programming was insufficient for her disability. Consequently, since the programming was not adequate, her disabling symptoms persisted. She was brought to India, and her case was evaluated by Dr. Mukesh Kumar, Associate Director & Head, Parkinson’s Disease Unit, who adjusted the medications and completed the programming adequately.

Today, the patient’s condition has improved significantly, and the symptoms have subsided. At Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, doctors adhere to the latest developments in medical sciences for better treatment and faster recovery.

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Max Healthcare is home to 5000 eminent doctors in the world, most of whom are pioneers in their respective fields. Additionally, they are renowned for developing innovative and revolutionary clinical procedures.

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