




Busting Common Myths About Radiation Therapy in Cancer Treatment | Max Hospital

Common Myths about Radiation Therapy

By Dr. Sajal Kakkar in Cancer Care / Oncology

Feb 29 , 2024 | 1 min read

Radiation therapy is a crucial and effective treatment modality in the fight against cancer. However, misconceptions and myths surrounding this medical intervention persist, often causing anxiety and misinformation. In this blog, we aim to debunk some common myths about radiation therapy, providing accurate information to empower individuals with a clearer understanding of this vital cancer treatment.

Myth 1: Radiation therapy is painful and causes immediate side effects.

Fact: While individuals may experience side effects, such as fatigue or skin irritation, during or after radiation therapy, the process itself is generally painless. Modern advancements in technology and treatment planning help minimize discomfort, and side effects are usually temporary and manageable with the support of healthcare professionals.

Myth 2: Radiation therapy makes patients radioactive.

Fact: Radiation therapy does not make patients radioactive. The radiation used in cancer treatment is carefully controlled and targeted to the specific area of the body where it is needed. Once the treatment session is complete, patients do not emit radiation and are safe to be around others, including family and friends.

Also, Read - When is Radiotherapy Appropriate in Breast Cancer?

Myth 3: Radiation therapy causes cancer spread.

Fact: The goal of radiation therapy is to precisely target and destroy cancer cells in a specific area. While some healthy cells may be affected, the risk of radiation therapy causing cancer to spread is extremely low. In fact, radiation therapy is a vital tool in preventing cancer recurrence.

Myth 4: All radiation therapies are the same.

Fact: There are various types of radiation therapies, each tailored to specific cancer types and stages. The diverse approaches include external beam radiation, brachytherapy, and stereotactic radiosurgery. Treatment plans are customized to the individual patient's needs, ensuring optimal efficacy with minimal side effects.

Also, Read - Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Brain Tumors!

Myth 5: Radiation therapy is only for advanced cancer.

Fact: Radiation therapy can be employed at various stages of cancer, including early stages. It may be used as a primary treatment or with surgery, chemotherapy, or immunotherapy. The decision depends on factors such as cancer type, location, and the overall health of the patient.

Also, Read - Treating Specific Cancers With Radiation Oncology

Understanding the realities of radiation therapy is crucial for individuals facing cancer treatment decisions. By dispelling these common myths, we hope to alleviate fears and provide a more accurate portrayal of the role and benefits of radiation therapy in the journey towards cancer recovery.