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Liver Health and Nutrition

By Ritika Samaddar in Nutrition And Dietetics

Apr 11 , 2023 | 1 min read

The liver is the second largest and the second most complex organ in the body, after the brain. It performs functions related to immunity, metabolism, digestion, storage of absorbed nutrients, and excretion. Keeping your liver in good shape is key to preventing liver diseases. Incorporating simple lifestyle changes will help to nurture your liver.

  1. Monitor your weight: Obesity is a major risk factor for developing fatty liver disease. Eat a healthy diet, cut down on high-calorie processed foods, and exercise daily to reduce weight.

  2. Choose good quality food - When we talk about the quality of food, focus on REAL FOOD – whole foods and local foods. Eat more of the locally available and seasonal fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and reduce the intake of processed foods. Be colourful with your diet; the more colourful your diet, the more antioxidants you get. These compounds reduce overall cellular damage, neutralise toxins and cleanse the liver.

  3. Cut down on processed and junk foods: Eating foods high in calories and salt damages your liver. Reduce intake of the three biggest culprits for liver - salt, sugar, and oil.

  4. Superfoods for liver: Don’t forget to take these liver-friendly foods daily in your diet- nuts and seeds, turmeric, ginger, probiotics like curd, berries, and banana.

  5. Exercise regularly: Exercise decreases stress on the liver, prevents obesity, and increases energy levels. Aim for 150 minutes of exercise, such as brisk walking or swimming per week.

  6. Quit alcohol consumption: Alcohol negatively impacts the liver; it damages the liver cells and increases triglyceride levels, leading to fatty liver.

  7. Don’t self-medicate: Overconsumption of some medicines damages your liver cells. Also, taking too many supplements can cause toxicity and have a negative impact on the liver. Always follow your doctor’s instructions.