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Head Injuries: Unraveling Causes, Symptoms & Prevention for a Secure Future

By Medical Expert Team

Jan 31 , 2024 | 1 min read

Head injuries are one of the most commonly encountered injuries. They can range from minor to severe life-threatening injuries. They can present as bumps/hematomas of the overlying skin, lacerations or wounds, fractures of skull bone or injury to brain tissue. Injuries of brain tissue and skull fractures require hospitalisation.

Causes of Head Injury

  • Road traffic injuries 
  • Fall from height
  • Fall of heavy objects on the head
  • Assaults by any blunt or sharp weapon
  • Sports-related injuries

Whenever a patient suffers a head injury- the most important is to evaluate his consciousness- whether he is alert or not. Any patient who is not fully alert or reports more than 5 minutes of loss of consciousness needs to be taken to the nearest medical facility. Head injuries can be assessed by the AVPU scale.  

A: alert

V: responding to commands

P: responds to painful stimulus

U: unresponsive

Minor head injuries may present as a concussion (very brief loss of consciousness with full return to alertness) and bleeding or wound over the skin of the head.

Read more: Brain injuries do not discriminate

Symptoms of Traumatic Injuries Requiring Immediate Medical Attention:

  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Drowsiness or change in behaviour
  • Problems in vision, speech or hearing
  • Weakness or numbness in limbs
  • Bleeding or watering from the nose or ear
  • Convulsions or seizures

Complications of Brain Injuries

Read more: Head Injury First Aid - Kit, Home Care, What to Expect

Prevention of Brain Injuries

  • Wear helmets: Helmets have been known to reduce head injuries during driving, cycling or sporting events
  • Wear seat belts: Using seat belts protect against head hitting the interior of the vehicle
  • Do not drink and drive: The influence of alcohol and drugs clouds the judgement capability and reduces reflexes
  • Be careful of your surroundings- do not walk on roads while talking on phones or using social media. This may cause distractions. Avoid walking on slippery surfaces
  • Safety Measures: Use handrails on stairs, ensure proper lighting in houses, and remove slippery surfaces to prevent easy falls in the elderly. Install rails on balconies to prevent falls in children

Awareness of preventive strategies and early medical help can significantly reduce complications and improve patient outcomes.

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Medical Expert Team