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What is Liposuction: Mastering Its Art, Science, and Success
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ survey of popular aesthetic plastic surgery procedures is out with its 2023 statistics, and the ever-popular procedure of liposuction is once again the Numero Uno – striking a hat-trick for three consecutive years! Liposuction can help eliminate the stubborn fat that diet and exercise can’t eliminate to give a better body shape and contour in areas such as the tummy, arms, thighs, and hips. It can be transformational for the right candidate, provided some rules are followed.
Dr. Sunil Choudhary In Aesthetic And Reconstructive Surgery
Jul 29 , 2024 | 2 min read

Don’t let Tuberous Breast Deformity Ruin Your Life!
Tuberous Breast Deformity is a type of congenital breast deformity which manifests for the first time in young girls when the breasts are fully developed by the age of 18-20years. It has been called by various other names like Tubular breasts, snoopy breasts, weird boobs, tube boobs etc. The deformity can seriously affect these young women with body shame and self-hate.
Dr. Sunil Choudhary In Aesthetic And Reconstructive Surgery
Jan 19 , 2021 | 1 min read

Tuck that Tummy!
One of the commonest areas that cosmetic surgeons work on is the tummy. Tummy tuck is an effective cosmetic surgical procedure done to reshape and improve the muscular tone and appearance of the tummy. The basic concept of the procedure is to remove the loose skin and excess fat from a flabby abdomen. Tight sutures and proper repositioning of the remaining skin renders a well-toned look for the tummy after the procedure.
Dr. Sunil Choudhary In Aesthetic And Reconstructive Surgery
Nov 07 , 2020 | 1 min read

Common Non-Surgical Procedures for Facial Rejuvenation
Diwali is not just another day, it represents best in Indian culture and everyone likes to look
Dr. Sunil Choudhary In Aesthetic And Reconstructive Surgery
Nov 07 , 2020 | 2 min read
Most read blogs

Loose motions or Diarrhea is one of the most common ailments across every age group – from infants and mothers to the elderly. Diarrhea is the frequent passage of watery or loose stools across irregular intervals. There are many possible causes of Diarrhea. These include allergies, food poisoning, infections, and stress. As such, Diarrhea is merely a symptom of one of many possible causes. Most of the time, loose motions is not a serious problem and can be treated at home. Below, we've outlined 3 simple h
Dr. Manoj Ranka In Internal Medicine
Feb 22 , 2018 | 2 min read

Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a syndrome that has taken modern world by storm. Polycystic ovarian disease or syndrome is a very common disease heard in today's younger generation. It is a must that young girls understand this disease at an early stage as well as its causes and future implications. It is a hormonal disorder with: Imbalance of the two female hormones estrogen and progesterone with estrogen taking the upper hand – menstrual irregularities, infer
Dr. Kamna Nagpal In Obstetrics And Gynaecology
Jun 30 , 2016 | 2 min read

To make sure that what you eat helps your body and also helps you stay interested, spread out your food through the day by following different food ideas. You can mix and match the following depending on how much you can eat and whether you are vegetarian or non vegetarian.
Dr. Neera Aggarwal In Obstetrics And Gynaecology Nutrition And Dietetics
Nov 07 , 2020 | 2 min read

A balanced diet is a diet that contains the right proportion of different food types so that your body gets the required carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins, minerals.
Jan 24 , 2022 | 2 min read

Don't let Tuberous Breast Deformity Ruin Your Life!
Tuberous Breast Deformity is a type of congenital breast deformity which manifests for the first time in young girls when the breasts are fully developed by the age of 18-20years. It has been called by various other names like Tubular breasts, snoopy breasts, weird boobs, tube boobs etc. The deformity can seriously affect these young women with body shame and self-hate. I was moved by one such patient who walked into my clinic and described her suffering due to the tubular breasts, “I'd always believed
Dr. Sunil Choudhary In Aesthetic And Reconstructive Surgery
Apr 10 , 2019 | 1 min read

What Actually Happens As You Age: The Weakening Pillars And What You Can Do About It
For all of us, the first signs of aging are on the surface, creep up slowly, and are vague: darker undereye circles that seem somehow larger than the last time, a few lines between our eyebrows, an odd collection of extra skin folds where none existed, fullness under the chin, blunted jaw lines, a bulge here and a sag there… But these outward changes are the result of deeper structural changes in our bones, muscle, fat, and skin. These small changes add up and make the big difference in how we look as we a
Dr. Manoj Johar In Aesthetic And Reconstructive Surgery
Jan 15 , 2019 | 2 min read

Gynaecomastia: An Embarrassing Male Problem!
What is Gynaecomastia? Every time a young male patient walks into my clinic and looks healthy but is wearing a very loose shirt or a T-shirt, I know the diagnosis in 9 out of 10 is going to be gynecomastia . In simple terms, “ Gynaecomastia ” means abnormal enlargement of breasts in males. In colloquial terms, it is also referred as 'male-boobs'. The typical patient is a young adult male between 20-28 years of age and is embarrassed with his looks and avoids changing in public or doing activities like s
Dr. Sunil Choudhary In Aesthetic And Reconstructive Surgery
Nov 14 , 2017 | 2 min read

Who are the Right Candidates for Breast Enhancement Surgery?
Breast Augmentation , also known as Augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure to enhance the shape of a woman's breast. As it is rightly said, the female breasts have been synonymous with femininity; a lot of focus has been given to their aesthetics. The ideal size and shape may vary as it depends on the build of the individual as well as cultural characteristics. As a result, women with smaller than normal breasts feel that they have a disproportionate figure and therefore seek correction throug
Max Team In Aesthetic And Reconstructive Surgery
Oct 04 , 2017 | 1 min read
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